David Colombo P.E. co-authors IEEE Paper on Distributed Generation.  Power Engineers, LLC has designed the interconnection of more wind turbines in Massachusetts than any other firm.  As part of the Princeton Wind Farm on Mount Wachusett, Engineers from National Grid and Power Engineers, LLC. co-authored a paper entitled: Case Studies: Interconnection of Wind Turbines on Distribution Circuits.

The Paper was presented at a 2010 IEEE Conference on Innovative Technologies for an Efficient and Reliable Electric Supply in Boston, MA.

Here is the Abstract:

Three case studies of proposed wind turbines connected to distribution feeders provide examples of how to efficiently conduct impact studies. In all three cases, the wind turbines are large enough that some engineering analysis was required. To address flicker concerns, power quality monitoring is recommended before and after the wind turbines are connected. Voltage fluctuations can be reduced if the wind turbines absorb some reactive power. Some applications require protective relay functions beyond the minimums identified in IEEE Standard 1547.

The full Paper is available at


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